Sunday, April 24, 2011

To Whom It May Concern

Why do the worst things happen to the best of people?

I think I can answer that with a fairly simple answer: there are those who think they know what's best, what is 'right', and roll with it.

My mom will be laid off in little over a month due to a decision the conservative governor chose to make. Because of his consolidation of state agencies, my mom will be fresh out of work. My mom will be filling out applications, going through interviews, in hopes of finding something that will suffice as a steady, comparable income to what she had.

I'm gonna argue at the most basic of human values...forget business and bureaucratic BS. I'm arguing as the son of a mother who was laid off due to budget cuts that are supposed to help us. With that, Mr. Brownback, I say GO TO HELL. How dare you decide my mom's near future with the wave of your Republican wand. Is the legislature so wrapped out your finger that they refuse to refute such an outrageous decision? Is it true that while the people think they hold a certain power, the sad, sad fact is that it's all up to the select few who seem to hardly have the balls to stand up to such a poor excuse of a leader. Tell me, sir, is that what you're telling me, because your actions are pointing that direction.

No matter what the argument is that one can come up with, the fact remains that you hurt my mom and I will not be beaten down by some conservative prick like you. I would love to hear you explain yourself in front of me and my family and tell us, with all certainty, that this is worth it. Tell my mom the struggle she will face is worth the past 30 some years she's worked. Tell my dad he shouldn't feel obligated to work more in order to provide for his wife when he's already working two jobs as it is. Tell my sister she doesn't need to worry, being the kind, caring person she is, about my mom and her future. Make her alright with the fact that her mother is being kicked to the curb. Give me a reason to hope...and don't bullshit with me. Give my mom a job. Give her options. Don't just leave her out to dry. She doesn't deserve that.

The hard decisions you have to make are hardly a scrape to your elbow compared to the hole you leave in us that are actually effected. Step down from you pedestal and open your eyes. You're going to find yourself horribly alone if you keep this kind of policy up...and rightfully so. Then you might actually gain some insight in the mind of the hopeless, in the mind of the laid off, in the mind of the families effected by this consolidation, in the mind of your citizens.

I know this sounds depressing and hopeless but you can thank the governor for that. It's his product and who am I to refuse credit where credit is due?



Sara said...

It does suck.

Trying to balance the budget is no easy task but obviously to us this is personal.

Although, to be fair, the local statehouse really did us/the city/the state no favors. They created this mess as a political move that has now cost more than 100 Topekans their jobs...and then had no decency to take ownership of mistakes they made or any of the repercussions. They also had the power to overrule the gov's plan.

At any rate...not ideal.

Although on the other hand, she could find an awesome job that is way better so I am hoping for that.

Blah. Hoppy Easter?

Brian S said...

haha yea happy holidays eh? maybe well get lucky and actually hit a national holiday that doesn't suck...

but yea, that may or may not have been a product of a few bloody mary's. pretty well written id say..haha.

i agree though, mom said she wasn't really happy there with some new guy in charge so maybe itll all work working with sarah's mom. how crazy would that be??

i just needed to you can tell. haha

Sara said...

ha. finger's crossed for july 4th!

Sarah Amador said...

Thanks Brian, for putting it out there. My moms been unemployed for almost a year now, unable to find work after working her tail off for a company almost eleven years. Not for the same causes, but its heartbreaking to see your mom go through that...for so many reason.

Here's to them finding good paying jobs that give them the dignity they deserve.