Saturday, January 29, 2011

And that's that

I dropped out of school.

Scratch that...I decided I was finished (thanks Kanye).

Before you write me off with that stigma of a college drop out, rest assured that I have a plan. I have a plan to open a bar with my best friend. I have a plan to do something that I want to do....not what other people think I should do.

I'm not gonna get into the details, but just know that I am perfectly happy and incredibly excited about the decision I made. So before you assume the worst about me and my decision, ask yourself, 'are you excited about your future? What are YOU doing about it?'

Sorry school...we both knew this wasn't gonna last anyways. It's better we cut our losses now.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sir Palauniuk

May I never be complete.
May I never be content.
May I never be perfect.

Words to live by my friends...words to live by.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Here's to you, Little Lady..

So we carried the casket- YOUR casket- to a spot nestled right by Pete's. We carried you to your spot and lowered you down. With a few last words, we got back in our cars and drove away knowing full well, the severity of it all had yet to show us its true power.

And I have a pretty good idea where you are now, but I don't care. I just want you back.

Until next time Grandma,
