Thursday, February 10, 2011

Get. Out. Of...TOWN!

I've noticed something about my generation. We don't stay put. Whether we're chasing cheap thrills, escaping our past, or pursuing a new life (career, family, etc..) we rarely stay in one place for too long. I know I don't write in my blog often, but I think a semi-common theme in it, as a whole, is change. Aptly so, I think. After all, I am 22. I think its natural though. Take your hometown for example. (I'm speaking generically, so for all you exceptions out there...shut it. You're ruining my argument.) You go to elementary school, middle school, and highschool in the same town. Then you graduate. Now what? For the majority, we get the hell outta Dodge. We go to college, to a new town, to a new experience. Anything but here. After college, then what? Grad school? A career? Pack your bags kids, it's time to go.

We are always on the move...never comfortable with the present situation we're in.

I'm a prime example. In less than 2 months, I may be moving to Florida for 6 months. Why? For one, I need to make money for the bar, which is at the forefront. Two, it's something different. It's something I can tell people. It'll make a nice conversation piece.

This is not to say that I'm over Lawrence. I love Lawrence. I love the people, the town, and the experiences it has to offer.

The same can't be said about Topeka (my hometown). Yes I grew up there and I suppose I still consider it home, as my parent still live there and where they are, home is. With that said, I had to get outta there. Topeka is a place that will suck you in if you aren't careful. I think hometowns can be spoken for in that regard in general though. There's a fine line between jet-setting somewhere and giving up on a place. I'll be the first to say that I gave up on Topeka. It hardly tends to my needs.

This potential move to Florida has made me think alot of finding the good in places. Realizing I may be away from Lawrence for the better part of a year has made me come to grips with the fact that I enjoy my present situation, that is the people I've surrounded myself with and the places I've been. Why would I leave that? (see above..)

While I agree one should escape in order to better themselves, that same person has to give their current location a chance. I gave Topeka a chance. I realized all it has to offer. What I want, Topeka could not produce. I look at some of my friends still stuck there (stuck may be a bit brash) and think, "Man, sucks for them". But, those that are still in Topeka, maybe they found their niche? Maybe they found their place. I hope they have.

Where you are now, may not be where you are forever. Duh...But at the same token, where you are now, you have to find something worth sticking around for. If you can't, get outta there.

And that's that. Cliche's aside, the pursuit of happiness is very much dependent on where you are and if you aren't happy where you're at, then I'd say that chase isn't going too well.

Alcohol and writing goes together wonderfully....
