Friday, April 30, 2010


I filled out an application for Sunflower Outdoor and Bike shop today. One of the questions asked me to tell them a joke. Now this is a company I see myself working with....

O yea, my joke was pretty simple. I just said Sarah Palin's chances of winning the presidency.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Adam and Sara-

It's a bit overdue but I feel it's better late than never...

And I probably coulda done this via pen and paper or face to face but c'mon...its 2010 yo!

First off, a big CONGRATULATIONS to Sara and Adam on taking the leap. You are now officially a happy couple that statistically has around 50 percent chance of ending in divorce..... But that's not gonna happen. You two can rest assured that you will, in fact, make it. For a gamble that only follows through half the time, you guys have managed to count the cards and walk away with the all the spoils. And here's why...

You two are the perfect opposites for each other yet those opposites complement each other perfectly. Adam- you're like me. You procrastinate. You don't get worked up over the small stuff. You sit back and think and relax and analyze and adapt. Sara-'re the polar opposite...haha. BUT it's not like that's a surprise. And for you, it works. Your lists, and your CAPS texts, and your over stuffed planner works for you and more importantly, it's balanced by Adams relaxed demeanor. If you two are thankful for anything in ya'lls relationship, Sara- be thankful for Adam's uncanny ability to read you, even when you haven't said a word, and make you feel like everything will work out fine...even when it might not. And Adam- count your blessing brother because those lists my sister insists on making will make your life SO much easier and organized.

Reason number two why you guys will be together forever: the people you've surrounded yourselves with. I had the privilege of meeting and interacting with your friends from school, icthus, and the Bluehouse. I forget who, but someone talked about the community you two create. He nailed it. You guys have an innate ability to draw quality people into your lives. I dunno how you do it but ya'll got it down to a science. And it's not just any people that are attracted to you two; they're, simply put, really cool, down to earth, people. I was amazed at how many people you two can truly consider close friends. That's something not alot of people get to experience. Like think of all the people eating the AMAZING Mexican food (sidenote-whenever your aunt cooks mexican food again for you two, I'm coming over for the leftovers..) at the rehearsal dinner. They were all within the title realm of 'best friend'. And there was ALOT of people in that room.

Lastly, and I hate to get all philosphical, BUT, you two not only believe in God and go through the process of going to church, give offerings, yadda yadda yadda. Don't get me wrong, those are all good and essential elements but you two take it a step further. You guys live your lives while keeping God in the forefront. The lessons ya'll learn in church and bible study are applied and utilized in your everyday life, a practice that's easy to say you're going to do, but actually going through with it is a different ballgame. You two do it effortlessly.

So yea...there's that. You two are great together. Don't let anyone say different. And as much as I may joke about you two being old and boring and married and stuff, please please please don't forget to have fun because once you stop having fun, your relationship becomes a chore instead of a blessing. You guys are with each other for a reason so get out there and create, or influence, or teach, or fix, or provoke, or whatever you do. Just do something. This relationship is an opportunity so make the most of it. I'm pretty excited to see what ya'll are capable of as a couple and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, once again, CONGRATS!

Love you both,