Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I think the show Scrubs is the best show on TV. It has recently passed The Office due to things beyond my control. Don't worry though. I still think the Office is a 9 out of 10...Scrubs is just a 9 1/4 out of 10. That is all.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme...

I've always had a problem with 'praise services', aka contemporary services. I never understood how waving your arms around, singing campfire songs with lack-luster lyrics made one feel closer to God....o wait. It doesn't. That, a long with the fact that the majority of the congregation involved in the 'praise fest' are shallow and need that false closeness to God because they don't know anything about their faith or their God. This stereotype (yes, I'll admit it's a stereotype, but it's spot on as far as I'm concerned) was further solidified this weekend. I'm walking up the dorm stairs with one of my friends when he runs into this kid he knows. We had been to a few parties (it was a friday night) and decided to call it quits semi-early. This kid informs us of his jaw dropping experience he had that night. He said something to this effect:

Kid: Man! You all missed out. I just got back from _____(insert some lame acronym for some campus worship service). You shoulda been there!

Friend: That's cool man. We just got back from _____'s house. (insert some guy's house whose name I do not know)

Kid: Dang! Yes we were singing for like 2 hours straight! We sang so much my voice hurts. It was really something. It put me in SUCH a good mood. Heck, I'm still in a good mood.

This isn't word for word but the last thing is...basically. I had a couple problems with this....but I won't complain about 'em............that's a lie. Here they are.

One. "You shoulda been there" He acted like he was all that and a bag of chips for going to a worship service on a Friday night when we were out at a party. Sorry I didn't get my gold stars out there champ. I guess I'm a little slow on the draw.

Two. "We were singing for two hours straight....We sang so much, my voice hurts!" Once again, congrats man. I'm sure that strain on your voice made God realize how devoted you are to Him. Singing for that long must have showed God how much you love him right? Wrong. You could sing 'Our God is an Awesome God' for ever and it would still count for next to nothing. Remember, actions don't get you into heaven...but I'm sure he knows that....that brings me to my last problem.

Three. "It put me in such a good mood. I'm still in a good mood!" That's straight up B.S. STRAIGHT UP! That mood you're feeling is nothing short of a facade. It's fake and it's something YOU created to hide the simple truth that you just wasted two hours of your life singing elementary songs while waving around your hands because you 'feel the spirit'. Why's it a waste? Nothing of substanence was done at this service. No sacraments. No lessons. And probably no Scripture. You're in a good mood because you think you are closer to God now that you've sang how much you love Him. You couldn't be more wrong. You're in a good mood because that's the facade you've came up with to hide the fact that you're relationship with God is that of a fifth grade crush. You're an idiot.

Always smiling,
Brian Shellenberger

Monday, February 9, 2009

So it's been a while...

Ok, so I know it's been about forever and a day since I've last written but no time like the present, right? A whole semester of my sophomore year has flown by so it's needless to say, some stuff has happened....more specifically, some crucial realizations. So here they are..

1) I've come to the conclusion that change isn't bad. It's actually quite the opposite. People seem to freak out when they don't have their life laid out in front of them which causes them to settle. They settle for mediocrity. They settle for family. They settle for their job. They settle and quickly become the statistic of the 'American Dream'. They stick to the plan; to their plan; to the plan someone else laid out before their eager little feet. They stick to the plan and become comfortable. They stick to the plan and become bored. They stick to the plan and start regretting everything. They think about veering from the plan and immediately start to sweat. 'What if' starts tapping them on the shoulder and they get anxious. They get excited. They start laying out a different plan. 'What if' brings a couple friends this time as back up. Introducing 'Let's be real' and his right hand man 'It's too late'. This tenacious trio packs a punch; a punch so hard they can't be ignored. This is too much to handle. They start to get back on track. They settle again. They settle and repress. They settle and wipe the dirt off their shoulder and get back to business. This is a trend, a situation, a life, I refuse to be a part of. Change is exciting. It's irresponsible. It's a shot in the dark. It's hit or miss...and more than likey a miss. It's everything the tenacious trio despises...and I'm obsessed. I would much rather spend my life looking for that one (or two, or twenty) 'true' happiness and never find it than give up and cut my losses. That's a cop out. That's giving up. That's suicide in all respects except physically. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, and I'm fine with that. I barely no what I'm doing tomorrow. Some may say that's irresponsible, immature, and a potential waste...and I couldn't agree more....

2) I really wanna pursue Advertising still but I also really like traveling and Germany and it's language. We'll see where that goes....

3) I have had second thoughts about college. It still seems like a crap shoot but I do agree in higher education....just not the way it's ran. And I do love college life.

4) I listen to a lot of hip hop and rap....along with everything else except for country. I have no qualms with turning up Lil' Wayne and rolling my windows down. Judge me if you like...but I'm enjoying myself.

5) I've become more sarcastic...not so sure why.

6) I've become far less tolerant to B.S. and I have no problems with letting you know how I feel about the subject. I'll leave it at that.

7) I'm done with the frat life. I've had my fun. It's not for me. Ah shucks.

8) I'm ready to get my own house and live with less than five guys, rather than seventy.

9) People care far too much about what others think. Maybe I've just started to care less...which can be good and bad...depends who you are.

10) Lastly, I'm ready to get my life rollin. I'm done screwin around. I may be a C student, according to my GPA (which is another realization within a realization...crazy, I know) but that doesnt mean I'm willing to work at an average pace. If I see something I want, guarantee I'm gonna try to get it. If I don't get it, however, I'm sure another opportunity will arise. I got time.

I'm sure there's more that should be said considering its been a while and a lot can happen in six months....but I thought this was a good start.