Monday, June 9, 2008

o wow...

It's 1:38 in the a.m. at the moment. I was gonna go to bed but decided to check the ole Facebook before I hit the sack. So yea, I'm sitting on the couch with laptop in, well, lap, watching T.V. Apparently Oprah is on again at 1 in the morning because I'm watching it right now. Before I say anything more...I don't like all. Despite her 'favorite things' shinanigans, I've decided she's more or less a cult leader. That's all I'll say about my opinion on her...for now. So I'm watching this show and there is a guy, who used to be a girl, who's having a baby. On top of that, I'm fairly sure that her 'wife' is a girl who used to be a guy. You've got to be kidding me. This kid is going to be all kinds of screwed up. These people suck....gross.

1 comment:

Sara said...


I can't believe you are so close minded that you can't see the beauty of this opportunity. IT'S A MIRACLE OF LIFE!!!

...annnnd I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...