Sunday, June 8, 2008

the unfunny funny girl...

So I'm at work a few days ago. I'm doing my usual, just standing around, acting like I'm doing something. (I work at the GAP and when we're not busy, I tend to either sit around the cash register or pretend I'm folding clothes...and no I'm not gay. I just happen to work in a very 'liberal' company.) As a preface, I should say that we just acquired a new manager because one of our other managers, who was by far my favorite, left for Best Buy. Whatever. So yea, I've worked with this girl (young woman, lady, it's weird calling her a girl but whatever) for a total of four times and every single time she has worn the same capri jeans. Same exact pair, swear to God. I'm not against wearing an item of clothing more than once or twice in a week without washing it, but either her sense of hygiene is alot more 'adventurous' than mine or she has bought 18 pairs of the same exact jeans. Either way, it's not normal. ANYWAYS, as I said, I'm standing around the cash register. She comes around the corner and sees me. She's new enough that she dares not scold me (I take FULL advantage of this) but she IS a manager so she just looks at me...and continues to stare. I don't know what to think about the whole situation other than that it's really uncomfortable, and she knows this, so she sparks up some friendly, employee conversation.

Manager: So you ready to get off?
Me (who had been there for maybe two hours on a seven hour shift): Yea, definitely...
Manager: Well, five more hours and you're outta here! Hahahahahha...(laughs uncontrollably)
Me (verbally): Ha, yup.....
Me (mentally): WHAT?!!...why are you laughing so hard??

And that was it. That was the whole conversation. Hardly even five lines long and somehow, she managed to create one of the most awkward situations a human can encounter: someone who thinks they're funny, when they aren't, and continues to laugh at their own joke until you chime in with a chuckle or two. It was awful. I immediately started to actually do some work just so I could get away from her. I don't know why she felt she had to 'make a funny' with me but it was definitely unnecessary and it could've saved both of us the awkwardness that we now have. She knew I didn't think it was funny. Heck, she probably knew what she said wasn't funny but for whatever reason, she decided in that crazy head of her's that it would be a good idea to bust out laughing. Bad move, ma'm, bad move. It wasn't funny. I enjoyed nothing of the whole encounter. And now, whenever I see you, I can't help but to think that now, every time you say something, I'm going to have to endure the pain of the possibility of squeezing out that fake chuckle, just to make you stop laughing at your 'witty' remarks.

I realize that I'm not too smart for talking like this about a manager. If she got ahold of this, I'm sure I would be fired. I'm kinda banking on her not ever reading this but I guess it might do her some good to glance over it. It would sure save me some emotional stress...although now that I know it's coming, I guess I could have some fun with it. hmmm....I'm goin to bed.

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