Wednesday, November 4, 2009


***It's been a while...I know. But I feel like I need to speak up given the recent events. This is a post in lieu of my sister's post...namely the political bit. If you haven't read it yet...check it-->***

My generation enjoys to be different. Have your own style. Listen to the newest, most underground band and know EVERYTHING about em so you can brag to your friends. Religion? thanks. Spiritualism?...hell yes. Democrat? Republican? Independent? Wait...what's the leading majority right now? I'll side with the minority. Yes, it seems as though we're out to 'one-up' everyone out there. If you aren't strugglin, you aren't livin! If you aren't one in a million, you're nothin. One of the most apparent aspects of our generation is our political savvy. We love to argue. We love to question- qualities every kid needs to have if they're gonna have a chance in the world. Most importantly we love the knowledge we acquire that backs these claims and arguments up. Again, a great quality for someone to have. However, we don't just talk...we take action. This is where a line of common sense and insanity seems to have been blurred.
I'll just come right out and say it. I wish Obama would kindly see himself to the door of the Oval Office and high tail it back to Chi Town. I don't agree with the majority of what he's done (or hasn't done) nor do I like the company he keeps. This feeling is shared among a growing population. The hatred for Obama felt by some Conservatives and Independents is, I believe, far greater than that felt for Bush by Liberals and Democrats. It's funny, because when Bush was in Office, I didn't really follow the news. But now that Obama is in, I can't stop watching it. What will he do today? What socialist did he confide in? So I'll be the first to say that I'm just as guilty as the next moderately conservative person who feels that they have to equip themselves with polls, expert opinions, and numerous analyses, in order to compete with constant flow of mainstream media. Did I do this out of legitmate concern for this country? Or did I fall into the trap of being different, or 'loving to hate'. This is a question I think everyone should whole heartedly ask themselves before preaching words of impeachment, assissination, or worse...revolution. If you think, like me, that this nation is going downhill, what do you think will happen if a slug goes through Obama's head?? Such measures would rip this country apart. Bi-partisanship would become so intense that smaller factions would start popping up. Revolution would seemingly be inevitable. Revolution isn't a word you can just toss around either. It's the dismantling of the country. The economy would plummet, or just cease to exist. Hospitals, schools, farms, every aspect we take for granted would be ripped away by OUR own doing. It wouldn't be some video game where you're running around some post-apocolyptic landscape saving the world. It would be a disaster and it's something our country, if ever there was an appropriate time, could not withstand. Saying you're 'pumped' or 'ready' for a revolution is a lie. You can't begin to understand the magnitude such an event would have.
I'm sure I'm gonna get alot heat for this from R's and D's alike. Again, I'd like to clearly state my stance. I think Obama is pulling this country down faster than his approval rates. I think impeachment or resignation is not so far fetched. If we can impeach a president for not being able to keep it in his pants, I think we can get rid of someone like Obama. HOWEVER, I do not think something like drastic such as assissination, revolution, or some sort of back woods martial law is at all appropriate. I'm all for action...politcal, logistical action. It's time for us to step back and ask what we truly stand for...not what is the newest or most unique. Once that is answered, go out and do something about it. Not with guns blazin, but with your words and with those standing beside you. Change can happen. Revolution is not the cool your jets.


Sara said...

Thanks for the shoutout B-ri!!!

I don't agree with all your political take...but I can appreciate your drive to make educated decisions and take (appropriate) action.

...any thoughts on the media though and what kind of "news" we are given through "unbiased reporting" these days???


Your hippie sister

Brian S said...

I mean it's no secret that FOXNEWS is far more conservative and outlets like MSNBC are very liberal. CNN is somewhere in between...but seems to side with the left most of the time. That said, it seems like we gotta take everything we hear with a grain of salt. FOX will tear the Obama admin apart..and for good reason (xoxo haha). At the same time some of the stuff they preach seems to be a bit brash and radical. But I think they balance MSNBC quite outlet that focused their attention on the 'balloon boy' scare rather than the big dogs deciding our health care behind closed doors. Maybe I'll just make my own news station- NBSTV (No B.S. T.V) haha...

Sara said...

DO IT!!! haha. I would SO watch. And maybe debate you? Oooohhhh the possibilities....

I definitely think all media has a bias and that honestly, for the most part, it's a joke in this country (see my previous post for more venting). I think we'd all be better off if we were getting our news from NPR or BBC. I wouldn't even necessarily call myself liberal but I definitely don't think that what is on the mainstream news sites is "news" anymore than reality TV is "real". It'd be nice to read something that actually told me something for the sake of being a public watchdog instead of pushing a political agenda (one way or another). ANNNNND END RANT.


Brian S said...

Agreed. I think the moderate conservatives/liberals (aka the people that approach issues with the most logic and common sense)need a voice in the media. The only way we can make sense of things now-a-days is flippin between the news channels and making our own generalizations and conclusions...which is based on theirs which, as we all know, are not always correct.