Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Home is where....the food is

Now that I'm finally living out in the cruel cruel world in my OWN house, I've come to a realization: food has a very intergral role in making a home for yourself. For those that know me, they know my love of food. I love the taste of it. I love eating it constantly throughout the day. I just generally enjoy everything about food. That said, I might be coming to the subject with a little bit of a bias BUT everyone, I think, can agree that the food makes the home. Why do college kids go home when they're wittle bitty freshmen? To eat. Yes, everyone loves to see the parentals and what not, but I can say with some confidence that the main reason is to eat, and eat well. Gathering around the table, bar, tv tray with a hot meal in front of you has become an icon of the American family. Eating good food, in good company makes a house, or an apartment, or a shack with a toilet, a home. The satisfaction one gets from a hearty meal can warm up the loneliest of souls and it does it with ease. So go ahead school...bring on the stress. The work. The papers. As for you utility bills, well you'll be dealt with soon enough. Just give me a nice steaming pot of chili or a sizzling pan seared steak and I'll take care of the rest later...

Laughter is brightest where food is best. ----Irish Proverb


Sara said...

Preach it brother.

...of course, this means that I suppose I will need to learn how to do that in a few months in order to make our apartment homey. DANG IT.

And wait---you like to eat? Whaaaa?

Brian S said...

I can give you a few pointers if you want...just sayin...