Sunday, January 9, 2011

Here's to you, Little Lady..

So we carried the casket- YOUR casket- to a spot nestled right by Pete's. We carried you to your spot and lowered you down. With a few last words, we got back in our cars and drove away knowing full well, the severity of it all had yet to show us its true power.

And I have a pretty good idea where you are now, but I don't care. I just want you back.

Until next time Grandma,



Sara said...

You gotta warn me before I read something like this!

Fave post ever.

Adam concurs.

We decided to print off some of the awesome old school photos and put them on our walls. I think it's a good decision. :)

Lova ya B-ri.

Brian S said...

I think that was a great decision....sorry for the lack of heads-up.