Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I don't wanna grow up

Writing resumes sucks. I was never one to be super involved with things that my school offered. Clubs, organizations, groups- none of 'em really struck a big enough nerve to gain (and keep) my attention. This fact has never been more apparent than now, while I'm writing this stupid list of accomplishments that is my RESUME. (And yes I know the last 'e' is in italics but I don't know how to put a little smudge mark above it to make it an 'ay' sound, rather than an 'e' or silent 'e' sound) Granted, I have a work (w)rap sheet (sp?) that could rival in length Santa's naughty or nice list (I don't know why I used a Christmas reference there...nor do I know why I'm using so many parantheses. If it's distracting, you can stop reading. I fully understand.). I mean, I've held a steady job since I was 14. I've been....-this is me inhaling as much air as I can in order to say this in one breath-....a concessions worker, an after school counselor, a summer camp counselor, a drumline instructor, a drum teacher (only for a lesson, but made 20 bucks off of it. I got paid. It was a job.), a sales associate at GAP, a teacher for kids who couldn't read (no lie), a moving specialist (hardest manual labor ever), a house-boy at a sorority, a bus boy, a door-guy, and soon I will be serving and hopefully bartending. I may not have the best GPA, and I may or may not be in any clubs or organizations but I'm a worker and a good one at that, if I may say so myself. I've dealt with such a broad range of people, I'm confident I could be dropped in any crowd, and be able to connect with them on some sort of level.
So my question to my next employer is this 'How do you choose your employee? Do you solely rely on a piece of paper to decide your next financial investment...afterall, that's what an employee is. Or do you dig a little deeper. Do you look past the traditional shortcomings like GPA, involvement in extracurricular activities, and the like, and look to see what kind of person wrote that resume?....I hope they dig.
Maybe I'm just a little aprehensive because, let's be real, this economy isn't getting any better any time soon. I just hope potential employers look past the paper, past the ink, and find out who I am and what I've done..good and bad. Where's the section for that??


Sara said...

Resumes totally suck. Good thing your are ohsoCHARMING!!! :)

Other people may have a lot more on paper but you'll be able to draw from your experiences and talk about your work experience when others just stumble around since they may have listed Club ABC but only attended one meeting for Club ABC and don't even know what the crap they even do. Use your connections--it'll get your further than a piece of paper.

You'll be a fab employee. For reeeeeeeeeal. And hey, while you're searching you can always watch Amazing Race with Daddio like I did. haha. ;)

Sara said...

p.s. Keep this writing crap up.

Brian S said...

haha that sounds like a good plan.

ps. i plan on it